Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hiatus, UFO's and Cake

So I bet you've been wondering what has been with the hiatus lately. I finished one of my UFO's this past week. It is the lovely purple log cabin. Took me forever to do it. I don't mind the piecing so much as the I do the actual quilting. I've also been working on a Mickey Mouse Quilt. I'm just about done with the top. I'm hoping to actually get it quilted. I have vowed to not let this one go into the new year with me next year.

I have also started doing a Wilton method class a few weeks ago. Tomorrow will be my first attempt at decorating a cake. Even with the heavy storming and the power going out I managed to get all the prep done. Not too sure about the icing. Used a different flavoring recipe this time and it tastes a little off. Tomorrow will be my second class so I'll have pictures to follow.

As always thank you for listening.